Suneden has been located at Mitchell Park since 1966. Over the years the building has been added to and refurbished.
We have ample playground space and are very fortunate to have magnificent old and protected gum trees that provide both shade and interest, as well as being home to many different varieties of wild life.

In 2016, Harrold and Kite were contracted to refurbish our classrooms and create outdoor spaces. This was the first stage in modernising our facilities and extending our classroom spaces. We also created a bus bay at the rear of the school for safe loading and unloading each day.

In 2020, we reinstated our bike track. This was developed by Wax Designs and labour and materials kindly donated by Fulton Hogan and other sponsors.

In 2020, we were fortunate to receive some funds to refurbish our library. This is a lovely space that remains technology free and quiet where students can enjoy the books in and sit in the cosy nooks.

Many areas were refurbished in 2021 by Cook Building. We upgraded our administration area, staffroom, sensory room, allied health office, student kitchen , chillroom, wheelchair accessible bathroom and outside areas.