Suneden TV

Suneden Specialist School is enormously proud to have launched its own in-house TV show called Suneden TV. Based on the pioneering work of the creators of MeTv and The School Show in Victoria, it is a show made for and by our students. A new episode is created each week and features regular and special segments showcasing our students’ abilities and wherever possible incorporating our Suneden 5 values.

The show features regular and special segments showcasing our students’ abilities and participating in the positive enriching experiences that happen at Suneden. It celebrates our students and provides opportunities for learning and connection.

Our Suneden 5 values are incorporated into many of the segments, helping to teach students through positive peer role modelling.

You are able to watch Suneden TV through the Suneden website or through Suneden TV channel on Vimeo.

Episode 8

Angela, Levi and Leo

Watch previous episodes

Episode 7

Emma and Nick

Episode 6

Rhi and Harry

Episode 5

Ryan, Christian and Anthony

Episode 4

Savina and Abbey

Episode 3

Leo and Angela

Episode 2

Hayley and Lorelei

Episode 1

Mala and Ryan
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